Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So i was sitting in my english class today, and realized i dont know the real definition of words. Words we use everyday but i think we underestimate the true meaning. Like the word proud. Proud has several different meanings depending on the way you take it in. Definition A: from google. proud-Having a too high opinion of oneself; arrogant. that is NOT the proud i am talking about. I'm talking proud-having respect for one's worth. A really special person in my life got his mission call a few days ago. I always told myself I would never be that girl. You know the girl that crys because this guy is leaving. And here I am. In the front seat of it your opinions change. Yes I am sad to see him go because I am a selfish person like that. I have always wanted all of his attention all the time! Sense the first day I met him I've been working really hard to accomplish that. But being in the front seat of this experience I find myself just awed by what I am watching. I am so proud of him for being worthy of holding the priesthood and being worthy to go and serve. I just sit back and watch all these boys show their true colors as they smile at every new destination they are bound to go. Makes me sit here and wonder. How can I be that great?? What am I doing to be that strong and faithfull. Well my first thought was well I'll go on a mission. But that might not happen because the future is always so unclear. Second thought was I will do as best I can in my calling. And I will do my best in my education. He's shows me such bravery as he opens that call to Argentina and says "I am so happy right now." How do I show how brave I am? Graduate from college. Going to college is how I can show how brave I am by going to Math 1010 staring FAILURE right in the face and still being determined to pass this class. I want to be ready and worthy to marry someone like that. No more being told I'm judgemental and closed minded. I'm selfish,have high standards, and harsh opinions sometimes.
Deal with it :] i just know what I want

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